Nothing is more beautiful then parents welcoming space for more love in their lives. It's amazing to capture newness of life and this love connection. Newborn sessions take longer then a typical shoot with more delicate transitions between images, built-in breaks for nursing, or to comfort your new little throughout the process. The earlier the better for these sessions. I can come to you. I can capture anything you like, a first pair of shoes, the babies room, or anything else you like. I can bring props and everything needed to set up a studio in your home. These sessions need to take place during the day as natural daylight is required. A professional flash can harm a newborns developing eyes and will not be used. As newborns cannot control their movements or gaze, the best images are of a sleeping baby that can be easily molded into a cute bundle or held sweetly by parents. These session are 90 minutes long and include 25 polished digital images, full copyright privilege to print as you please, a personal image gallery allowing you to choose your 25 images or invite others to view your shoot.
Investment: $375